Presa italiana despre Romania
Site-ul “NEWS & COFEE” consemneaza sub titlul “Acesta e brandul Romaniei”, reactia presei din Italia dupa abominabila crima comisa de un roman.
“Presa italiana de astazi tuna si fulgera la adresa imigrantilor romani, indiferent daca au comis sau nu infractiuni asupra locuitorilor din peninsula. Mai mult, miercuri, Guvernul Italiei a aprobat, prin decret, proiectul de lege privind expulzarea imigranţilor infractori, la o zi dupa arestarea, la Roma, a unui roman suspectat de crima. O italianca in varsta de 47 de ani, sotia unui ofiter de marina, a fost jefuita, violata si batuta, fiind descoperita de politisti in coma marti seara, intr-o groapa de langa o tabara de la periferia Romei unde traiesc numerosi romani. Romanul de origine roma avea 24 de ani. Un roman de bun simt propunea astazi o campanie pe net, pentru schimbarea numelui Romaniei”. –
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Italy starts expelling Romanians; 3 hurt in mob attack in Rome
“ROME - Italy began deporting Romanians with criminal records, authorities said Saturday, after a wave of violent crime blamed on swelling numbers of immigrants from one of the European Union's newest and poorest members.
Some of the Italian response was legal, and some not. A knife-wielding mob in Rome wounded three Romanians on Friday night. Eight to 10 attackers wearing motorcycle helmets and wielding metal bars, sticks and knives set upon the group of Romanians in a supermarket parking lot, police said.
Milan authorities said that four Romanians with criminal records were put on an Alitalia flight to Bucharest on Friday night, and that expulsions for 12 other Romanians had been authorized.
They were the first reported expulsions since Prime Minister Romano Prodi's centre-left government, faced with growing public anger over violent crime blamed on Romanians, approved a decree Wednesday night that empowered authorities to expel European Union citizens who are deemed dangerous for public safety. […]” – Read more –
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Italy Police Crack Down on Foreigners
“ROME (AP) — Dozens of immigrants were fleeing their shantytown homes on the outskirts of Rome Friday after a string of attacks blamed on foreigners prompted authorities to crack down on camps inhabited mainly by Gypsies.
Carrying their belongings in bundles and plastic bags, and sometimes atop bicycles, residents left a camp on the northern edges of the capital where police arrested a Romanian accused in the savage beating of an Italian woman near the camp who died Thursday after two days in a coma.
The victim, the 47-year-old wife an Italian navy commander, was attacked as she walked along a road after dark Tuesday toward the barracks where she lives, police said. She was beaten, dragged through mud and left bloody and half naked in a ditch, police said.
Outside the camp in the Tor di Quinto neighborhood, police and bulldozers waited for the order to raze the illegal settlement while most residents abandoned the area, fearing they would be rounded up and expelled.
The attack on the woman prompted Premier Romano Prodi's center-left Cabinet to give authorities the power to expel European Union citizens "for reasons of public safety".
Prodi in a condolence message to the husband on Friday said the killing had "had wounded the soul of all Italians". [...] – Read more –
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