sâmbătă, 19 decembrie 2009
Religious blasphemy in New zealand ?
A Religious blasphemy in New Zealand ?
A handout picture released by the St Matthew-in-the-City Anglican church in Auckland shows an apparently naked Virgin Mary and Joseph in bed together. The billboard has sparked the ire of conservative Christians in New Zealand.
A turkey checking Pres. Bush
vineri, 18 decembrie 2009
The ten worse US mistakes of the decade
What were they thinking ? Let's review
This Nov. 5, 2002 photo provided by the White House on Tuesday, Feb. 14, 2006, shows Vice President Dick Cheney hunting quail in Gettysburg, S.D.
Former Vice President Dick Cheney stands with Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison, R-Texas, Tuesday, Nov. 17, 2009 in Houston during a campaign stop for her gubernatorial bid.
Former Vice President Dick Cheney meets with people as he accompanies U.S. Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison, R-Texas, not pictured, in support of her gubernatorial bid Tuesday, Nov. 17, 2009 in Houston.
Former Vice President Dick Cheney waits on the side while U.S. Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison, R-Texas, gives a campaign speech in her gubernatorial bid Tuesday, Nov. 17, 2009 in Houston. Cheney gave his endorsement to Hutchison.
Every decade has its mistakes, of course, but one nice thing about the past 10 years' foibles, foul-ups and flubs is that so often they came with neat, two-word monikers, almost like keepsakes: "Wardrobe malfunction." "Mission Accomplished." "Balloon boy".
Here's a review of 10 what-were-they-thinking moments.
1. Bernie Madoff has been called many names. For one federal regulatory sleuth, he was ... "a wonderful storyteller". For years, the Securities and Exchange Commission received detailed complaints that Madoff's investment operation was certainly fishy and probably criminal ("Nothing more than a Ponzi Scheme", a tipster wrote in 2000, eight years before Madoff confessed). SEC examiners found, instead, "a very captivating speaker" who assured them he was not "greedy" and all was OK. An SEC branch's decision to shelve the probe turned out to be a mistake — one of, oh, several billion blamed on Madoff, who's now charming fellow inmates in prison.
2. White House flight of fancy, 2003: Advance folks had almost everything right: the golden sunset light, President George W. Bush's dramatic landing on the carrier deck, the speech. But that giant "Mission Accomplished" sign, with years of mission still ahead, who came up with that ? Reporters launched the "bannergate" investigation.
3. White House flight of fancy, 2009: We always thought Air Force One takes a good picture in any setting — but an aide to President Barack Obama thought a few snaps with lower Manhattan as a backdrop would be dramatic. How's this for drama: panicked office workers, seeing the low-flying 747 shadowed by a fighter plane, streaming out of buildings, phrases like "stupid and alarming" coming from local officials, and pretty much everybody mad about the taxpayer-funded photo op's price tag: $328,835. The aide was, er, grounded.
4. Aerial ambitiousness also gave us the balloon boy. When a homemade foil-covered balloon supposedly slipped its tether with a 6-year-old inside, we all held our breath — except some heavy-breathing cable anchors. The balloon finally landed — empty — and the kid was found safe at home, hiding, his father said. But why ? "You had said that we did this for a show", the tyke told Dad, a would-be reality TV star, live on 'CNN'. Whoops. Hoax charges followed.
5. Publishing mistake of the decade, coming in 2006: "If I Did It", O.J. Simpson's book about how the murders of which he was acquitted might have been carried out. Amid furious protest, the project was aborted, the book was ordered "pulped", and the publisher acknowledged its "ill-considered project". And that wasn't the biggest faux pas of the decade for OJ. No. 1 was going to that Nevada hotel with weapon-toting friends to "reclaim" his sports memorabilia. "It was", said the sentencing judge, "much more than stupidity".
6. In 2006, after former Vice President Dick Cheney shot an orange-clad hunting buddy who looked nothing like a quail, the pockmarked victim graciously allowed that accidents happen. How did others react ? A Texas Monthly cover threatened: "If you don't buy this magazine, Dick Cheney will shoot you in the face". A hockey team held a "Cheney Hunting Vest Night" — "Don't Shoot, I'm Human", the vests said. Even Bush joked about his veep's middle initial: "B. stands for Bull's Eye".
7. Looking for guv in all the wrong places. That's how you might categorize a couple of high-profile statehouse mistakes. South Carolina's family-values Gov. Mark Sanford missed the Appalachian Trail and ended up in Buenos Aires, with his Argentine "soul mate". New York's crime-fighting Gov. Eliot Spitzer turned up far from Albany and as "Client-9" in a hooker's black book.
8. "So, we were watching the boob tube Sunday..." So began an editorial in the Lebanon (Pa.) 'Daily News', commenting on the 2004 Super Bowl halftime show during which Justin Timberlake tore away part of Janet Jackson's costume, momentarily exposing her breast in what was later called a "wardrobe malfunction". Knowing the offense given to millions of live viewers (plus those offended again and again as they cued up the 'YouTube' rerun), Federal Communications Commission smut-busters imposed a fine — but that, too, turned out to be a mistake. Arbitrary and capricious, a federal appeals court ruled.
9. What caused California's energy crisis back in 2000-2001 ? Deregulation ? Too many hands on the AC switch ? What about "creativity" by 'Enron' employees ? On Jan. 17, 2001, amid rolling blackouts, a fellow at the energy-trading firm told a power plant worker to "get a little creative" and find a reason to shut down, tightening electricity supply. "OK, so we're just coming down for some maintenance, like a forced outage type thing ?" the worker offered. "I knew I could count on you", his colleague replied on a tape revealed in a lawsuit. California's grid eventually stabilized, but 'Enron' itself blinked out — under hefty fines and criminal charges.
10. Finally, it must be acknowledged there were a few mistakes in the entertainment world — and we're not just talking about "American Idol" auditions. No, at least those didn't cost $100 million, the amount investors plowed into the 2002 movie The Adventures of Pluto Nash. Basically, nobody showed up at the box office. Well, not quite nobody. "I know two or three people that liked this movie", said the star, Eddie Murphy. Who knew there'd be no audience for a comedy about a nightclub arson on the moon ?
luni, 14 decembrie 2009
Craciunul 2009
In toata lumea Craciunul este sarbatorit pe 25 Decembrie celebrand nasterea Domnului Iisus Christos. Craciunul este o faptura sacra care simbolizeaza prin excelenta tipul creator, ceea ce romanii numeau tempus factum, in care toate se faceau si desfaceau. In mitologia geto-daca e posibil sa fi fost reprezentat printr-un stramos care simboliza echilibrul elementelor in stadiul facerii lor, a inceputului procesului celor necreate si nedate in vileag. Pe pamant marcheaza hierofania timpului sacru in solstitiul de iarna, a sfarsitului de an sau rastimpul dintre doi ani.
Asa se face ca majoritatea celor care au cautat sa explice structura personajului mitic si a caracterului divin al Craciunului au ajuns la etimologii care converg in semnificatii temporal-creatoare. Dupa Ovid Densusianu, Alex Graur si Alex. Rosetti, apelativul Craciun deriva din creatio, care in latina inseamna nastere: nasterea naturii, transfigurata mai apoi in nasterea lui Craciun sau din incarnationis incarnare - deci renastere: renasterea naturii prin incarnarea lui Craciun.
In orice caz, ipoteza denumirii latine a Craciunului nu justifica originea lui, care putea sa fie anterioara si care, in limba daca, putea sa fi insemnat tot creatio sau ceva asemanator.
Mitul arhaic al unui cioban zeu-mos este transfigurat in mitul unui cioban demonic care refuza sa primeasca pe fecioara Maria sa nasca in staulul lui. Sotia lui Craciun o primeste intr-ascuns si moseste pe Iisus, fapta pentru care Craciun ii taie mainile iar Fecioara Maria ii lipeste mainile la loc. Minunea il converteste pe Craciun la crestinism (inca nedefinit la acea data in istoria religiilor).
De bucurie ca nevasta sa a scapat de pedeapsa lui necugetata, Craciun aprinde un rug din cioate de brad in curtea lui si joaca hora cu toate slugile lui. Dupa joc imparte Fecioarei Maria daruri pastoresti (lapte, cas, urda, smantana pentru ea si copil. De aici transfigurarea lui Mos Craciun intr-un sfant care aduce de ziua nasterii lui Iisus daruri copiilor, obicei care se suprapune cu amintirea darurilor pe care, dupa legenda evanghelica, le aduceau regii-magi in staul noului Mesia. Mos Craciun, persoana mitica anterioara crestinismului primitiv in Dacia, transsimbolizeaza in versiune mitologica crestina pe cei trei magi.
Cantecele de bucurie adresate de slugile lui Craciun cu prilejul minunii lipirii mainilor bunei lor stapane Craciuneasa s-au transformat in colinde ce glorifica in mitologia crestina nasterea lui Iisus.
Mai multe despre Craciun puteti citi – aici -
Tuturor vizitatorilor acestui blog, in special cu prilejul sarbatorilor Craciunului, as dori sa le adresez o calduroasa si sincera urare de, CRACIUN FERICIT !!!
Cadoul meu de Craciun !
With the occasion of Christmas 2009 Feast I want offer to All visitors of this blog, as a Present from me, a Collection of Traditional English X-Mas Songs interpreted by various artists.
1. Jingle – click here -
2. Jingle bells – click here -
3. Merry little Christmas – click here -
4. Noel – click here -
5. Rudolf – click here -
6. Santa Claus is coming to town – click here -
7. Silent night – click here -
8. We wish you a Merry Christmas – click here -
9. White Christmas – click here -
10. Joy to the world – click here -
11. BONEY M. - When A Child Is Born – click here -
12. Oh Christmas Tree – click here -
13. BRYAN ADAMS - Xmas Time – click here -
14. BONEY M. - Jingle Bells – click here -
15. BRENDA LEE - Rockin Around The Xmas Tree – click here -
16. MAHALIA JACKSON - Silent Night – click here -
17. DOLLY PARTON & KENNY ROGERS – Happy Home With Bells On – click here -
18. BONEY M. - Marys Boy Child – click here -
19. GEORGE MICHAEL - Last Christmas – click here -
20. SHAKIN STEVENS - Merry Xmas – click here -
21. ROSE MARY LLONEY - Jingle Bells – click here -
22. Instrumental - The Christmas Song – click here -
23. BONEY M. - The Christmas – click here -
24. BONEY M. - Feliz Navidad– click here -
NOTE: All those songs aren’t published on this blog for commercial purposes, but to made known our traditions, those of the romanians, to All My blog visitors from Romania and foreing ones. I hope that owners of the copyright for those songs will agree and accept to be posted here only for the time of X-mas Holidays. As result I want to Thank them in advance !
To All visitors of this blog I wish to address, with the occasion of Holly Christmas Feast, an warm and honest: MERRY CHRISTMAS ! and an Happy Christmas Time !!!
1. Jingle – click here -
2. Jingle bells – click here -
3. Merry little Christmas – click here -
4. Noel – click here -
5. Rudolf – click here -
6. Santa Claus is coming to town – click here -
7. Silent night – click here -
8. We wish you a Merry Christmas – click here -
9. White Christmas – click here -
10. Joy to the world – click here -
11. BONEY M. - When A Child Is Born – click here -
12. Oh Christmas Tree – click here -
13. BRYAN ADAMS - Xmas Time – click here -
14. BONEY M. - Jingle Bells – click here -
15. BRENDA LEE - Rockin Around The Xmas Tree – click here -
16. MAHALIA JACKSON - Silent Night – click here -
17. DOLLY PARTON & KENNY ROGERS – Happy Home With Bells On – click here -
18. BONEY M. - Marys Boy Child – click here -
19. GEORGE MICHAEL - Last Christmas – click here -
20. SHAKIN STEVENS - Merry Xmas – click here -
21. ROSE MARY LLONEY - Jingle Bells – click here -
22. Instrumental - The Christmas Song – click here -
23. BONEY M. - The Christmas – click here -
24. BONEY M. - Feliz Navidad– click here -
NOTE: All those songs aren’t published on this blog for commercial purposes, but to made known our traditions, those of the romanians, to All My blog visitors from Romania and foreing ones. I hope that owners of the copyright for those songs will agree and accept to be posted here only for the time of X-mas Holidays. As result I want to Thank them in advance !
To All visitors of this blog I wish to address, with the occasion of Holly Christmas Feast, an warm and honest: MERRY CHRISTMAS ! and an Happy Christmas Time !!!
duminică, 13 decembrie 2009
Who is *NSYNC ?
Along with the Backstreet Boys and Britney Spears, *NSYNC dominated the teen pop explosion of the late '90s with a blend of group harmonies, gauzy ballads, and well-produced dance textures. Although the group emerged in 1996 in Orlando, FL, singers JC Chasez and Justin Timberlake had previously co-starred on The Mickey Mouse Club before relocating to Nashville, where they worked on solo projects with the same vocal coach and songwriters. Timberlake soon returned to Orlando, where he befriended Chris Kirkpatrick and Joey Fatone. Along with Chasez, the four agreed to form a boy band, and *NSYNC officially launched after the addition of bass singer Lance Bass.
The group recorded its self-titled debut LP with help from a series of producers, including Denniz Pop (whose protégé, Max Martin would later work with the band after Pop's death in 1998). The album was initially released by 'BMG Ariola' Munich, and *NSYNC soon became an overnight success throughout much of Europe, where the singles I Want You Back and Tearing Up My Heart became sizable hits. The album was then released in America during the spring of 1998. Accompanied by a tour of the nation's roller rinks, it became immensely popular and eventually sold more than ten million copies, thus establishing the singers as teen pop titans. Home for Christmas followed later that same year and went double-platinum, while a similar version was released in Europe under the title The Winter Album.
Although already celebrated as one of pop music's biggest acts, *NSYNC rose to greater heights with the release of No Strings Attached in 2000. The album was originally slated to appear in 1999, but a series of legal battles with former manager Lou Pearlman delayed its arrival by several months. After successfully escaping from Pearlman's contract and signing with 'Jive Entertainment', *NSYNC happily watched as sales of No Strings Attached topped one million during its first day of release. Nearly two and a half million copies were sold by the end of the week, and three singles soon cracked the Top Five in America: Bye Bye Bye (which many viewed as a sendoff to the band's old management), It's Gonna Be Me, and the ballad This I Promise You. Supported by a 76-date American tour that grossed over $75 million, No Strings Attached proved to be the most popular album of 2000, selling nearly ten million copies.
*NSYNC returned to the road in early 2001, this time to promote the impending release of Celebrity. The album appeared that summer to continued fanfare, with first-week sales reaching nearly two million -- a feat that made Celebrity the second fastest-selling album of all time, bested only by No Strings Attached. The album featured a stronger debt to hip-hop and included several songs written by Timberlake and Chasez, an opportunity that may have whetted their desire to pursue respective solo careers.
Following an elaborate stadium tour, the group went on hiatus in mid-2002. Timberlake released his solo debut that same year, successfully making the jump from boy band vocalist to critically acclaimed solo artist, while Chasez found less success with his own record, 2004's Schizophrenic. Meanwhile, Joey Fatone launched a movie career and later performed on Broadway, Chris Kirkpatrick starred in the reality TV series Mission: Man Band, and Lance Bass became a certified cosmonaut in the hopes of making it to outer space. The group's website shut down in 2006, however, prompting increased speculation about *NSYNC's future. Responding to such rumors in 2007, Bass informed the 'Orlando Sentinel' that the group had "definitely broken up" in light of Timberlake's desire to continue his solo career.
*NSYNC - I Want You Back (from the Album Greatest Hits, 1998)
*NSYNC - Just Don't Tell Me That, 2004
*NSYNC - I Drive Myself Crazy, 1999
*NSYNC - Bye, Bye, Bye, 2000
*NSYNC - Could It Be You, (from the Album Greatest Hits, 2004)
*NSYNC - I want You Back (from the Album Greatest Hits, 1998)
*NSYNC - That Girl (Will Never Be Mine) (from the Album No Strings Attached, 2000)
*NSYNC - Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays (from the Album Home for Christmas, 2004)
*NSYNC - I Never Knew The Meaning of Christmas (from the Album Home for Christmas, 2004)
*NSYNC - O Holy Night (from the Album Home for Christmas, 2004)
*NSYNC - The Christmas Song (from the Album Home for Christmas, 2004)
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